Nurses love

Create your nurse profile for free

Apply directly for the ideal shift or permanent position

Have the option to make your profile visible to thousands of medical facilities and agencies.

Employers and Agencies apply to nurses and compete for you

Compare multiple offers, refine and choose the right fit for you.

Accept or decline interview requests that come to you

You are hired 3 times faster


AI-powered candidate
matching features

Review the most qualified candidates

Allows employers to shortlist candidates for interviews with ease

To measure how closely candidates match the relevant job description.

Streamline and expedite the hiring process for both candidates, healthcare facilities and agencies

Our platform will provide you with in-depth hiring insights so that you can identify the best individual for the job.


“Hospitals and Agencies
save money

Hospitals Save on travel nurse, overtime, and HR expenses

Hire qualified, permanent nurses faster.

Access to the right specialized Nurse profiles and send interview requests.


Explore Mediqa AI-powered software

Bypass resume and phone screening

Resume parsing technology to automatically extract information from resumes submitted by candidates. This saves time by populating the application form with the candidate's details, reducing the need for manual data entry.

Automated screening criteria

Based on the requirements for nursing positions Filter and prioritize candidates who meet the specified qualifications, credentials, and experience levels.

Skills Assessments

Evaluate candidates' clinical knowledge and proficiency in various nursing tasks.

We areHiring
Let’s Work Together
& Explore Opportunities

You have the power, receive tailored job offers fast!

Accept or reject interview invitations. Evaluate multiple offers from leading hospitals. Select the best match for your needs.

25 K+

Completed Cases

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Skilled People

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Happy Clients

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complete solution upon focused of
any business

Customer Reviews

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed vitae neque metus. Vivamus consectetur ultricies commodo. Pellentesque at nisl sit amet neque finibus egestas ut at magna. Cras tincidunt tortor sed eros aliquam eleifend.

Mark Adair

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed vitae neque metus. Vivamus consectetur ultricies commodo. Pellentesque at nisl sit amet neque finibus egestas ut at magna. Cras tincidunt tortor sed eros aliquam eleifend.

Mark Adair

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed vitae neque metus. Vivamus consectetur ultricies commodo. Pellentesque at nisl sit amet neque finibus egestas ut at magna. Cras tincidunt tortor sed eros aliquam eleifend.

Mark Adair

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